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Typical renovations for a residential assisted living home

“Tom, owning a residential assisted living facility sounds great, but how much rehab and reconfiguration would I need to do to get the property converted?” TOM: Here’s the scoop from Isabelle Guarino: The size of the home, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the layout are all major considerations when it comes to choosing a home for Residential Assisted…

When Happy Birthday is the only song you know

Above are some photos of me with my dad. The one in the park was on what was a “good” day for him. The other is when we left his house in Buffalo NY for what will be his last time there. There was a difference. The eyes give it away. (There’s always a cognitive difference in the eyes.) He…

Follow the money in residential assisted living

How much can you make in residential assisted living? Let’s follow the money and find out… There are 2 directions that you can go: #1– Own the Real Estate and rent it to an operator #2– Own the Real Estate AND operate the Residential Assisted Living business as well. If you own the home and lease it to an operator,…

Discover How to Turn a Single Family House into a Positive NET Monthly Cash Flow of $5,000, $10,000 even $15,000

America’s leading assisted living authority, Isabelle Guarino, who’s father Gene founded the Residential Assisted Living Academy, will be offering an in-depth expert training on this timely opportunity. With over 77 million Baby-Boomers moving towards retirement and millions of seniors currently paying $3,000 -10,000 Per Person… Per Room… Per Month… this makes for very, very… SERIOUS CASH FLOW! Imagine a monthly…

Reasons for the growth of Residential Assisted Living

Why focus on Residential Assisted Living as a real estate investor? (I’m finding out the hard way with my dad…) The baby boomers have always had a major impact on all sectors and phases of their lives, and now that they are getting old, they’re having a major impact on the need for living somewhere with Assisted Living. It just…

50 rentals make the same as just one single family home

You’ve heard it before… “You can do it the easy way or the hard way.” True dat. The easy way is often just simpler. Has less moving parts. Does the same with 1 rather than many. Which is exactly why we like turning single-family houses into residential assisted living care facilities. You can buy 1 house and make it into…

The ultimate asset protection strategy

WARNING: some of the topics discussed in this message may make you uncomfortable. I’m going through all the legal & paperwork rigmarole of putting my father into a home. Much of it comes down to asset protection. Not losing or giving up everyone one worked for throughout their life. And being sure the spouse is taken care of. So… What…

No place for old people

This is personal. My dad totally lost his ability to speak a couple years ago. And in general, he’s been on a downward slide for about 10 years. It’s mainly something called “Primary Progressive Aphasia”. (which is what Bruce Willis announced he also has) Now it’s turning into classic dementia and Parkinsons. Not nice. And, also not nice, is trying…

Flipping forever?

— Flipping houses is awesome. — Flipping houses can solve a lot of moolah problems. — Flipping houses can fund a fabulous lifestyle. BUT… Are you supposed to flip houses forever? Isn’t that a grind having to keep the process going? I personally love it. But I still get involved in other things, as one needs to diversify what they…

a training industry that has lost its soul…

“Tom, You’ve been the best. I appreciate you. 3 other mentorships… you’re the only one to show up.” – Diana “What you showed is exactly what you have talked about for the five weeks we have been a member of your program.   It was great to see you practice what you preach.” – Jenni “You are one of the few…