As we’ve previously mentioned, there has been a lot of difficult things for investors who are landlords and property owners lately.
When you can’t evict, you are stuck in a losing position.
We’ve gotten wind of some extra resources, including some state-level programs that actually aim to help the property owner stay afloat if they aren’t receiving rent anymore.
Virginia Landlord Relief Program
DC Rent and Landlord Programs
Maryland Rent and Landlord Programs
Yes, these are all in the DC Metro area, but if you need another state, dig around to see if they are offering anything similar.
Also, you might find this useful and interesting:
Rent Guarantee Insurance
Here’s info on one of the BIG problems we’re having:
CDC EVICTION MORATURIUM: How does it affect you as a RE Investor?
“Starting September 4th, 2020 until December 31st, 2020 a landlord, owner of a residential property, or other person with a legal right to pursue eviction or possessory action, shall not evict any covered person from any residential property”
You can read the entire document here for reference:
As our Call to Action, voice your opposition at:
We did receive responses from many of the officials we contacted using this system. They need to hear directly from all of us!
It’ll get noticed and that could shift what happens.
Tom Zeeb
Traction REIA
Traction Real Estate Mentors