Let me tell you a story…
“Work smarter, not harder” is a cliché.
And while I get tired of people using clichés because they can’t bother to think up anything original, this one does keep ringing true.
It’s been true for me and it’ll be true for you.
Let me explain…
When I was younger I unloaded trucks and changed light bulbs at a major department store.
Then I unboxed and hung clothes at a fancy boutique.
And polished floors at a superstore chain in the middle of the night.
VERY unrewarding work.
Not exactly a silver spoon story or a glamorous life.
But it taught me what I didn’t want to do for the rest of my life.
And, along with the value of hard work, it taught me how much more could be done by working *smarter*.
Because there is simply a limit to how much hard work you can do.
There is a physical limit, and a time limit, when you are paid hourly.
(After all, there are only so many hours in the day.)
So rather than focus on the 80%, I knew I needed to focus on the 20%.
In other words, to focus on something that had big payouts rather than just a big investment of time.
Like having my own business.
Like doing real estate deals.
Because to have more *style* in my *lifestyle* I knew I needed NOT to work *harder*, but to work *SMARTER*.
To become a Rapid Cash Generator, I would need to get far beyond trading my time for a meager hourly wage.
And so the seeds of my entrepreneurial journey began.
It certainly wasn’t all good at first.
And it didn’t all go smoothly.
But with time, focus, and an unbreakable commitment, I got through to the light of success.
It didn’t happen alone.
* I had experienced people show me the way.
* I chose the right mentors.
* Developed the right skills.
* And got the right education.
That is what I’m eternally grateful for.
And that’s one of the reasons I take teaching so seriously.
Because it is one of my missions in life to help others join me on the sunny side of success.
I won’t fool you.
It won’t happen overnight.
It didn’t happen that way for me.
And I don’t know anyone who is truly sustainable that had it happen that way for them either.
So if you are ready to join me,
If you know success is what is in your future,
And you just need to have the steps framed out so that you know which way to go,
Then I invite you to attend my signature 1-day event on Saturday April 21st.
It’s my “Wholesaling: The Rapid Cash Generator” Masterclass
And I’ll be mapping out what it takes to quickly generate cash in this real estate market.
Clear your calendar and commit now to being there.
This 1-day training can make all the difference.
Go here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors