What defines a great entrepreneurial business?
Highly automated.
But not effort free.
It’s like a spinning wheel.
You have to walk by it regularly and give it some extra juice to keep it spinning.
But unlike the hamster wheel of a J-O-B, you don’t need to be peddling constantly to keep it moving.
That’s the difference.
Entrepreneurs build systems with LEVERAGE, while others just stay stuck in their 9-to-5 jobs.
The trick is to make this spinning wheel more efficient so you are needed less and less.
Not that you’ll be totally replaced.
Let’s get real, that is the lie many “gurus” tell you, but it just isn’t true.
You are needed in your business to do the basics, BUT you can be highly time-leveraged and operate from anywhere (without anyone knowing you’re gone, if you’d like).
So imagine it more like this:
Done right, a good entrepreneur puts a motor on the wheel with a belt to connect it and keep it spinning smoothly.
Can you walk away then?
Almost, but not quite.
You’ll still need to stop by for maintenance.
The engine needs gas after all.
And oil to keep it running properly, and a new belt occasionally.
But once you have it running, your newly recaptured free-time can now be spent on anything you’d like.
And that’s true freedom.
A lifestyle of options.
A lifestyle of choices.
The world is now your oyster and your business is fully supporting you.
Want to learn how to build your own well-oiled business machine?
I’m launching a newsletter called the “Automated Entrepreneur”.
It teaches you how to set yourself free from the constraints of your job or business so that you can live the entrepreneurial lifestyle of independence, freedom, and choices… all while making a ton of the green stuff in the process.
And it truly shows you how to build and customize everything you need to make it happen, on your own, without expensive support teams or flimsy technology.
I’m almost finished with the first issue.
And it is going to revolutionize the way you think about, and go about, your business.
To get in on this action go to:
Tom Zeeb
The Automated Entrepreneur