I got a rather interesting email from someone.
Here’s what it said:
“When I joined your list, I thought I was supposed to get daily email tips. I haven’t seen a single tip unless you count all your blatant pitches. Am I missing something?”
I wonder if he actually has a point.
I want to test this idea.
So what I did was look up the 8 previous emails starting yesterday, and behold — here’s what’s there:
(you can read them all by scrolling down at https://tractionrealestatementors.com )
1. “Rage against the hype machine”
(The tip: Empty hype is pointless sales drivel. Focus on programs that actually teach you something.)
2. “Why content is more important than length”
(The tip: The clarity, focus, and digestibility of content is more important than the sheer amount of content)
3. “The delicious smell of a man”
(The tip: Build your confidence to get more deals done)
4. “Yes, it still can be your best year ever”
(The tip: Pure inspiration here. 2016 ain’t over yet. Get cracking now and you can still make it your best year ever.)
5. “Giving you a nerdgasm”
(The tip: Learn the language of your business because knowing the terms used makes it all easier — and I gave you a free glossary to help.)
6. “How to outsmart a millionaire”
(The tip: Don’t worry about being smarter, just be more disciplined and focused. That’s what people lack.)
7. “Politically Incorrect Reasons People Fail”
(The tip: Recognize if you are falling into one of the many traps of blaming others when actually you have to look in the mirror — even if it’s uncomfortable)
8. “Disturbing things I do in the shower”
(The tip: Don’t let good ideas slip away because it isn’t a good time to write them down (And thanks to the multiple people who responded to me suggesting AquaNotes — it’s a great idea.))
Anyway, smells like an awful lot of tips.
In fact, the REAL question isn’t “Where’re the tips?”
It’s “How are these not tips?”
Just open your eyes, think about what you are reading, and see the value that it actually has.
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors
P.S. — Now how could I forget to make a “blatant pitch”…
My 1-day Rapid Cash Generator MasterClass is Saturday. You’ll walk away with a clear vision of what you are doing, as well as having the skills to go and do it now. (whether you are starting from scratch, or an advanced investor looking to re-tool and accelerate.)
You’ll also walk away having learned more than a dozen of my hand-drawn Frameworks for Rapid Cash Generation. (And you’ll draw them along with me so they get permanently implanted in your head.)
And I’m giving all attendees 3 terrific bonuses:
#1: My all-time best marketing postcard
#2: Audio CD Training – “Packaging your deals for a rehabber: The 9 deadly mistakes wholesalers make to tick a rehabber off” (a special audio training created by Robyn Thompson and me)
#3: Three (3) Rapid Cash GeneratorTM Worksheets detailing important Frameworks
It’s only a day away, so…
Get your seat here: