My favorite quotes from my podcast interview with Valerie Lucas…
Lots of lessons in these:
“You have to want it. That’s what I wanted. I wanted that freedom.” (08:29)
“Even when you flip houses, you’re taking a home that’s in a community that could be an eyesore for those living in the community and you’re bringing it up to value.” (13:00)
“I’m literally just riding down the street and I see a house that I can take a picture, send the postcard and all of that right from my phone. Before, I used to have to write the address down, get back home, pull it up, do the research. Deal Machine helped automate all of that.” (19:09)
“I’m looking to build my wholesaling business. That’s what I’m focused on now. So I can build it, stack up some cash and position my furnished rental business. The goal there is to eventually sell that off.” (32:55)
“You’ve just got to do it. It will work. You’ve just gotta stay consistent, and identify a budget – even a small budget – because once you get to your first deal, you can reset and pay off whatever you need to pay off. Before you know it, your accounts will start to have some high balances on them.” (38:40)
More excellent points & lessons throughout the interview.
Listen here:
s5e58 Debunking Excuses through Focused Consistency with Valerie Lucas
Watch it on YouTube here:
VIDEO: s5e58 Debunking Excuses through Focused Consistency with Valerie Lucas
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors