Traction is now a Registered Trademark.
I’m very happy that after many years of going through the process, The United States Patent & Trademark Office has granted us a Registered Trademark on the name TRACTION and our logo.
People ask me how we originally came up with the name.
It wasn’t actually me.
It was my marketing consultant, Dov Gordon, who came up with the name after interviewing many of our members and students, as that was what they were all looking for… TRACTION.
Funny story…
I was thinking of naming us “Catalyst”.
Dov’s view was that no one was looking for a catalyst, but they were looking to get traction.
Then at one of my business mastermind groups I was discussing the name possibilities, and mentioned ‘catalyst’. One of my group members said, “That’s not great, the catalyst is destroyed in the chemical reaction.” I looked at her inquisitively. “I majored in chemistry” she said.
I’m certainly not looking to get destroyed by my business or your business.
I’d much rather get Traction.
Now you know the rest of the story.
Here’s a link to my podcast interview I did with Dov. I think you’ll learn a lot about marketing no matter what business you are in.
As always, you can find out DETAILS and DATES for everything up-to-the-minute on our websites at:
Tom Zeeb
Traction REIA®
Traction Real Estate Mentors®