People get lazy over the summer.
Yes, it’s fine to take a break.
But too much “break” can leave you far behind, and being behind leaves you stuck where you at currently at, rather than advancing to where you really want to be.
Waking up bored is a vice I utterly condemn.
There’s nothing worse than being thoroughly bored with the prospect of the day ahead.
The blubbery arms of the soft life circle round your neck and they slowly strangle you.
Business is a form of warfare.
And a man of war, when for a long period has no war, will see his spirit go into a decline.
There’s only one way to deal with boredom — kick oneself out of it.
You can’t let the sword get rusty in the scabbard from months of idleness and disuse. It lets your mental guard down.
My Rapid Cash Generator presentations tonight (Wed), Thursday, and Saturday will:
* Snap you back into shape,
* Give you focus for the days ahead,
* And motivate you to the nines.
Attend with the certainty that the starter’s gun has fired and the dog days of summer have come to an end.
Don’t wander around like a surly caged tiger, keep yourself mentally sharp and well-nourished with me.
Go now:
Wednesday (tonight) & Thursday’s presentations:
Saturday’s 1-day MasterClass:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors