Matthew Kimberley lives in Malta.
That’s a small island between Italy & Africa.
It was strategically VERY important during World War 2.
In the real estate investing business, sales & negotiation is VERY important.
Matthew is an expert at selling, and helping others to build their “sales muscle” without coming across in a “icky,” forced, or awkward way.
That’s why I invited him onto my podcast to teach the intersection of selling & negotiation.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from the interview…
“I help people who haven’t been trained in selling, but they have got some other technical skill. And I help them marry their desire to make a decent living from their technical skill with the ability to actually make a decent living. So, they have the desire, and I show them the processes, the skills and the knowledge that they need to have in place. And I try to keep things as simple as possible.” (06:34)
“There is absolutely no question that there’s a direct correlation between meaningful sales activity – asking people, ‘Would you be interested in buying my thing? Would you be interested in sitting down and talking about this opportunity? Are you in the market for? – and how many sales you make. The old adage from Glengarry Glen Ross that we should ‘Always Be Closing’ is nonsense. We should always be opening. We should always be creating opportunity. And creating opportunity is as easy as asking, ‘Are you interested?'” (09:55)
“Nobody ever gets offended, ever, when you say, ‘Would you be interested in buying my thing?’ People get offended when you don’t listen to their answer.” (16:14)
“The temptation for many people – especially at the beginning of their sales journey – is to invest a lot of opportunity in anybody who expresses interest.” (21:52)
“We can all improve the quality of our lives by recognizing that if we ask for something, there is a much higher possibility of us receiving it. And, you can apply this to your actions as a buyer as well as your actions as a seller.” (32:05)
“Anybody who decides that they will learn selling can make a living. In any economy, there will always be supply and demand requirements. If you can sell, then you’ll never go hungry. And if you can remember that, it can be an awful lot of fun.” (38:51)
Listen here:
s5e61 Where Selling meets Negotiation :: Always Be Opening with Matthew Kimberley
Watch it on YouTube here:
VIDEO: s5e61 Where Selling meets Negotiation :: Always Be Opening with Matthew Kimberley
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors