I’m getting ready for the “Roaring 20s”.
No, that doesn’t mean dressing up like a “flapper”.
It means being prepared as a “flipper”.
A flipper of houses, that is.
And it’s the decade of the 2020’s I’m referring to.
With the economic engine of America finally being unleashed, we are in for a fabulous time of sustained economic prosperity. (I said this a year-and-a-half ago, and ALL the data has now proved me right.)
And being in business for myself as a real estate entrepreneur puts me in the perfect position to take advantage of all the prosperity that is coming down the pike.
And it’s a massive amount of prosperity coming.
Think about it…
More jobs = more people with housing needs
More jobs = more people with money to spend
More jobs = revitalized neighborhoods that will appreciate handsomely
More jobs = better rents (and the ability to pay them!)
All of which I am in the perfect position to benefit from.
And you could be too.
IF you get yourself positioned right now.
How, you ask?
By learning to do all the FUNDAMENTALS of real estate investing properly.
1. FIND deals
2. MAKE deals
I currently have my students crushing it as real estate investors of all levels.
* Deal flow is great.
* Cashflow is great.
* Profits are great.
Which leads to fabulous lifestyles full of freedom and personal prosperity.
Here’s my plan in a nutshell:
A. Continue to Flip properties wholesale for rapid cash.
B. Continue to Rehab 1 or 2 per year for massive profits.
C. Using the funds from A & B, invest in more rental properties / multi-units in areas on their way UP. (Which is more & more of America lately!)
D. Continue to do A & B and use the funds to hammer down the mortgages from C for their quick elimination.
E. Sit pretty with lots of rentals with all cashflow but no d3bt (can’t go broke if you have no d3bt…)
F. Sell off properties in old age to never have $ worries.
G. Continue to flip wholesale as it’s easy, and use the rapidly created cash for LIFESTYLE (vacations with the kids, get-a-ways with the wife, travel adventures with friends, cool toys, living large, first-class all the way, etc.)
That’s me.
What about you?
No matter what, now is the time to get moving.
You don’t want to miss out.
There’s too much at stake.
Let’s get you moving!
Come to my 1-day “Wholesaling: The Rapid Cash Generator” Masterclass on Saturday September 8th.
We’ll launch (or re-launch) your real estate business correctly.
Roar into success here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors
P.S. — Plus, whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your real estate investing business:
1. Grab a free copy of my “The Deal Flow Cheatsheet”:
It’s a quick and simple guide to “The 5 Key Marketing Elements to Move Your Real Estate Business from Friction To Flow!” — Go here: https://tractionrealestatementors.com/dealflow
2. Watch this free training video:
This in-depth training video teaches you the foundational building blocks your real estate investing business needs to have to succeed. — Go here: https://tractionrealestatementors.com/3-keys-to-real-estate-investing
3. Join Traction REIA and connect with investors who are thriving in today’s market:
Our monthly meetings provide education, community, and support for smart investors to get More Deals, More Profits, and More Freedom! — Go here: https://TractionREIA.com/join-us
4. Work with me 3x per year at my Rapid Cash Generator Bootcamp:
If you’d like to work directly with me to progressively add $100,000 to your bottom-line in the next 12 months. Attend my Rapid Cash Generator Bootcamp — Go here for all the details: https://tractionrealestatementors.com/bootcamp