Crystal came up to me at the last event and said:
“Every time I see you I think of marketing. Every time I get your emails I think of marketing. You always make me think of my marketing. You keep me motivated and on-track.”
Yes, that’s the point exactly.
* Marketing takes focused discipline.
* Real estate investing takes focused discipline.
* LIFE takes focused discipline.
It isn’t that difficult.
Yet most people lack just that: DISCIPLINE.
My emails are designed to inspire and motivate you to action (and get you to actually *think*).
And when you have attended my Rapid Cash Generation Bootcamps you learn that they also have another design and purpose for you (bootcamp attendees have been told this, it is meaningless without having attended).
I show my discipline.
And I want you to show yours.
When you market to motivated sellers CONSISTENTLY you will get results.
(And that doesn’t mean just one round of 20 postcards, it means the right volume, to the right list, over time.)
Spurn my advice and go nowhere.
Embrace my advice and excel.
Get focused discipline and learn what to do consistently here:
Home Study System
3-Day Training Intensive
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors