What is a “Refinement point”?
It’s something that just brings it all together.
Ties up the loose ends.
An “Ah-ha” moment.
Or even a “duh-oh” why didn’t I think of that before moment.
Yes, you should have thought of it on your own.
But you didn’t.
You simply did not.
That’s just the way it works.
And that’s why you need to be mentored by someone who can pull these ideas out of you.
I do this with my business mentors.
And I’ll do it for you.
I’ll spend all THIS WEEKEND giving you refinement points at the Traction Event.
If you’re new, you’ll be off and running on the right foot.
If you are experienced, you’ll fill in those missing gaps that you passed over and forgot. Gaps that could be costing you substantial amounts of profits.
The more elegant and smooth your business operates, the more money you’ll make.
What’s 2-days of refinement worth to you and your business?
Answer: It’s priceless.
(I’ve done this with my mentors, so I know the value and I want to pass it on.)
If you miss this, you miss everything.
Be there this weekend:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors