An excellent question got asked and it makes me think about the overall need to know and learn the basic fundamentals of the real estate investing business:
“Tom, I’m more interested in investing in residential real estate for rental income. Will your two day weekend be just about the basics necessary for flipping/wholesaling houses or will it address the building blocks for any successful real estate business? Thank you.”
— LaShelle
The decision to wholesale, rehab, or buy-and-hold is just an exit strategy.
The process for finding, negotiating, and analyzing is all the same.
Picture it like this…
There’s a road with 8 bridges to cross.
After the 8 bridges the road forks and you have 3 paths to choose from.
The 8 bridges are the various steps to getting a real estate deal: marketing, negotiating, analyzing, legal contracts, etc.
These are always the same no matter what your exit strategy.
Your exit strategy is the 3-way fork in the road.
Once at the fork you may choose:
1. To wholesale it
(You sell it to a rehabber and then cash your check and go home to repeat the process)
2. To rehab it
(You send in your crew to renovate the property, then re-sell it to a retail buyer for an even higher profit)
3. To buy-and-hold it
(You keep it as a rental and collect monthly rent as you manage the tenants and toilets over time)
But no matter which exit strategy you choose, what you do to get down the road to the fork is always the same.
And that’s what I’ll be teaching you at the Traction Event.
Yes, I’ll cover a lot about flipping as that’s my preferred exit strategy, but if you want to focus on one of the other forks that’s your call.
I’ll equip you for any path you choose.
(And that’s why I laugh when someone tells me they can’t learn from me because they’d rather do rentals — it’s all the same at the beginning before the road forks, and if you don’t learn how to cross the bridges you’ll never have anything.)
So yes, the Traction Event will address the crucial building blocks for any type of successful real estate business.
You’ll get a lot out of the event whether you’ve done zero deals or 100.
Everyone will move up multiple rungs on the ladder.
So get going and cross the first bridge here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors