It’s almost New Year’s.
So people naturally think about their goals for the future.
That’s a good thing.
Because it is good to plan, and it is good to dream.
And the bad part?
The bad part is that so few people will actually follow through with any of the dreams and goals they have set for themselves.
They simply don’t do the tasks necessary to get the desired results.
Why not?
Because it’s easier not to do anything.
It’s easier to just keep doing what you’ve always done.
(And then you wonder why you keep getting the same results…)
Because making changes and doing the work to actually accomplish your goals is, well, work.
It takes effort.
And focused dedication.
And so few people are really willing to do what it takes, and do what it takes consistently.
But true.
So if you really want 2014 to be different, then you’re going to need to be different.
And that means doing things differently than you have in the past.
(Because if what you did in the past actually worked then you’d already have achieved your goals)
Can you do it alone?
Probably not.
If you could do it on your own, then you would have done it already.
So you need help.
And I’m not just saying that from the outside. I need help too.
That’s why I currently have 3 separate mentors and coaches that I work with.
They each keep me on track for various different aspects of my business.
They keep me moving ahead.
And they keep me raking in lots of the green stuff.
That’s why I have coaches, and that’s why they are worth every pretty penny (And they ain’t cheap!)
Would a coach be beneficial to you?
After all, even the greatest athletes all have coaches.
Am I the right coach for you?
We’d have to find out, because my program isn’t for everyone, it isn’t cheap, and I’m very picky about who I work with.
So we’ll need to get to know each other a bit first.
And I do that through Strategy Sessions on the phone.
You qualify if:
1. You are seriously ready to go off on your own and build a thriving business from scratch. Or,
2. You already have a business, but it isn’t performing at the level you need it to. And,
3. You want to add $100K to your income in the next 12 months.
If this is you, and you are serious about being successful in 2014, and you are looking to invest in a coach and mentor to make you successful, then apply for a Strategy Session with me here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors