The persuasion muscle – the muscle that we use in sales and negotiation and debate – is strong in some… but weak in most.
Like every muscle, it requires attention and exercise.
Specifically, you need to do lots of reps to keep it strong.
But even more importantly, you need great FORM.
If you don’t have great form, you can damage your sales muscle, sending your prospects running for the door.
When you DO have great form, your exercise feels effortless, and you get much better results for far fewer repetitions.
Learning great form is something you only need to do once. It’s like riding a bike.
The old “always be closing” sales training advice is dated and exhausting.
Instead, we need to learn how to effortlessly close deals and win business and agreement without baring our teeth and thumping our chests.
Matthew Kimberley’s Professional Persuasion is the most elegant and thoughtful – and effective – sales and persuasion training that I’ve ever had the chance to see. (And yes, I’ve been through his training and I use it to great success).
Forget everything you know about getting people to say yes to you, and come and learn from the master: the creator of the Principles of Professional Persuasion … at his 2 Traction REIA events this week.
You’ll have a “persuasive beach body” in no time at all.
EVENT #1 —
At the Traction REIA Main Monthly Meeting on Thursday Sept 15 he will teach:
“Professional Relationship Building 101 — How To Effortlessly Increase Your Circle of Influence”
RSVP at:
EVENT #2. —
A Full Day Training Intensive with Matthew Kimberley on Saturday September 17th:
“Professional Persuasion — A Masterclass In Influence, Closing More Deals And Getting More People To Say “Yes””
Reserve Your Seat Now at:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors