My favorite quotes from my podcast interview with Jake Draves…
Lots of lessons in these:
“[Negotiation] was the one thing I was a little bit worried about because I was under this misconception that I had to be the Wolf of Wall Street in order to negotiate and then I’d hit a roadblock and it’s gonna show through. But, it couldn’t have been easier, especially having the framework of your courses.”
“I understand that mistakes will be made. I’ve accepted that. I’m just trying to make sure every time I walk away from a conversation, I’m replaying it in my head and looking at what went wrong and looking at what I did right.”
“If I’m just clicking away on YouTube, you just never know. You don’t have access to any of the ‘experts’ that you’re trying to learn from.”
“I would like to get to the point where any lead that comes in I would know what to do with it and how to deal with it, whether that’s wholesaling, flipping, or hanging onto it. It might take me a little bit longer to get to my end goal if I’m being split up down the three paths, but that is my ultimate goal.”
More excellent points & lessons throughout the interview.
Listen here:
s5e60 2 Months to Success – Crushing it in the DealMachine Challenge with Jake Draves
Watch it on YouTube here:
VIDEO: s5e60 2 Months to Success – Crushing it in the DealMachine Challenge with Jake Draves
DealMachine app 7-day trial:
DealMachine app 7-day trial
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors