Last night, Matthew Kimberley challenged us to THINK:
Are you “award winning”?
Have you got “best in breed” technology?
Is your database of motivated seller prospects bigger?
Are you “young and dynamic” (or “mature and experienced”)?
Are you “committed to your customers”?
Are you “motivated and sincere”?
Good for you, hotshot.
But here’s the bad news: nobody cares.
Your prospects don’t care about you.
Not yet.
They don’t care about your office view or your table football or your staff retention rate or your deal closing rate.
They don’t care how long you’ve been in business. They definitely don’t care what your logo looks like.
Not just yet.
Later on, they will care. Later on, they’ll be looking at your level of professionalism and how that corresponds to what you charge them.
Later on they’ll be eyeing you critically to work out whether you can back up your promise with pedigree.
But what they’re interested in right now is themselves.
The only way that you matter to them is if you can appeal to their self-interest.
How are you going to make me happier, sexier, richer, thinner, more confident, more beautiful and more relaxed?
How are you going to make them less anxious, less broke, less unhappy and less sucky?
“Is this YOU?” is the question you’ve got to ask your prospect to show them that you get them.
Understanding why people buy what you’re selling is of primary importance if you want to sell anything.
In real estate investing, or ANY profession.
It’s sales and marketing 101.
If you haven’t got that licked just yet, don’t beat yourself up.
Identifying who you’re meant to serve and understanding their urgent needs and compelling desires can take a little time …
… but when you’ve done it, the magic starts to happen.
After all, selling people something they’ve told you they want to buy is a whole lot easier than guessing, and getting frustrated when your guess is off.
Join Matthew Kimberley TOMORROW and find out exactly how to make your prospects an offer they can’t refuse.
Our Full Day Training Intensive with Matthew Kimberley on Saturday September 17th:
“Professional Persuasion — A Masterclass In Influence, Closing More Deals And Getting More People To Say “Yes””
Last call to Reserve Your Seat Now at:
Tom Zeeb
Traction REIA