How many times did I get kicked in the teeth on the way up?
and again,
and again,
and again.
It was just constant.
I was constantly getting kicked in the teeth by others when I got started on my own as a real estate investor.
Especially as I suddenly had lots of free time.
* Hey, that’s OK, let me go run your errands for you.
* Oh sure, I have it easy, because I have free time.
* But you’re better because you have a corporate job, you’ve got a ladder to climb.
* You have a clearly defined hierarchy that you can rise up through.
But then there’s me, just off to the side doing my own thing.
Chasing some odd dream that others just couldn’t see.
And it’s a little bit annoying to them when I wound up achieving greater heights, and having more “things”, more time, and more everything.
I guess that is insulting.
But eventually that injury turns to respect, that resentment turns to respect, it just took time, because there really is only one way forward — and that’s being out on your own.
You’re not going to get that from a job.
You can’t.
Jobs can’t provide that level of security, because the security they provide is false.
They can’t provide that level of free time, because jobs take time.
And a job can’t produce that level of income at the end of the day, because you’re limited to whatever your salary is, even if it’s a very high salary with great benefits, you’re still a slave to that salary.
Versus being out there totally on your own.
Which would you rather be?
Think it through.
If the answer is ‘on your own’, then maybe you’ll fit in with my training.
It’s admittedly not for everyone.
Some think they’ll do better with all the confusing and unfocused free info floating around out there on social media sites.
Maybe. But I’ve yet to truly see it.
But if you want focused, precise information AND timely support from someone who’s actually done it, then you might like my training.
Read this page, and if you still think you’re a fit, then click reply and say “Tell me more”
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors