My message yesterday about “coming back when you have a spine” really hit a chord.
I LOVE your emails Tom and your insight.
Awesome! But there is one guarantee: if you do nothing…you’ll get NOTHING!!!!
I paid $35,000 for a coaching program from a well-known national guru, but I haven’t been able to make any money yet. It’s been 9 months already. What am I doing wrong?
Here’s another news flash:
Just paying big money doesn’t guarantee anything will happen for you.
It still takes WORK and EFFORT.
YOUR work and effort.
No program is going to magically produce profits for you just because you join it.
(My program included.)
They all take focus, dedication, and effort.
If you aren’t willing to do any of that, then you shouldn’t have parted with your hard-earned money.
Yes, I know the salesman made it all sound easy.
Like money would just start falling from the sky just because you paid them for their program.
You wanted to believe that would be true.
But be honest…
You knew it really wasn’t.
If only it were that easy…
But then everyone would be doing it, and us successful people wouldn’t be special.
What about my program?
My 3-day Rapid Cash Generation Bootcamp is $3,000 per person.
And that’s for unlimited re-attendance.
So you can come again and again for no additional payment.
I do the event quarterly.
(I have private coaching as well, but that is much more expensive. And I’m not taking on any additional students at the moment because I have a full student roster and a new baby I want to spend tons of time with.)
Since it is Easter time, I’m going to offer you the same special price I made at my last live event.
Rather than $3K per person, it is only:
$1,795 for 1 person
$2,495 for 2 people
Both with unlimited re-attendance (a bonus I’ll be removing in the future).
It also includes a full copy of my 3-volume home study system:
Vol 1: Find the Deal
Vol 2: Make the Deal
Vol 3: Get Paid
And 4 very cool bonus Audio CDs (not available separately):
1. “How a $100 Assignment Turns into $35,988” (a $99 value)
2. “Creating a win-win when someone dies” (a $99 value)
3. “Building the cash buyers list that acts like an ATM machine” (a $99 value)
4. “Massive Tax Free Investing in IRAs” (a $99 value)
Is this an expensive expense?
It’s an investment.
There’s a difference.
Understanding this difference is part of what will set you apart and finally break you free from the rat race.
This discounted offer is only for a limited time.
Then the price will go back up.
1. Make up your mind as to what you really want,
2. Decide what you are really willing to do to create the change you want to have in your life, then
3. Get onboard with me.
Make it happen here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors