I Was Probably in the Worst Possible Place in my Life…

I Was Probably in the Worst Possible Place in my Life…

Then Someone Handed me a Blueprint.

This is the exact predicament our upcoming January Traction REIA speakers Jason Roberts and Rachel Schneider found themselves in.

Many of us get into real estate investing for various reasons.

Some of us are looking to make big chunks of cash quickly, others are looking for long term cash flow.

(And there are some that just love watching HGTV because flipping houses just looks so cool!  — LOL-Come on, you know you have thought that before…)

Well our upcoming speakers, Jason Roberts and Rachel Schneider, entered into real estate investing for a whole different reason.

They found themselves in one of the lowest places financially they had ever been in back in 2010 and needed a way out.

As Jason shares in the video below, they were desperate to turn their life around.

In fact, Jason was able to go from personal bankruptcy to a 3 million plus business a year with the simple help of some blueprints.

Come join us at these 2 events and grab the blueprints of a successful real estate business:

“REI BLUEPRINT: The Secret Strategies of America’s Top Real Estate Investors”
Traction REIA Main Monthly Meeting
SPEAKER: Jason Roberts & Rachel Schneider

Thursday January 18th at the SHERATON Tysons Corner.

RSVP at:

“Master Your Marketing” MasterClass
SPEAKER: Jason Roberts & Rachel Schneider

Saturday January 20th at the Sheraton Tysons Corner.

Reserve Your Seat Now at:

See you there!
Tom Zeeb

Traction REIA:
9+ Year Recipient of the National REIA “Honors of Merit”
and the “Award of Excellence”
For Best Real Estate Investor Association!

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“Tom Zeeb has the formula for success.  You just need to follow what he says.”
– David McGrady

“The best help from Tom was the negotiation techniques & tactics. His Bootcamp got me on track.”
– Ryne Lambert

“I used your marketing. I used your contract. I got the deal and got it done.”
– Danisha Byrd

“I’m so happy today, I am about to do my first rehab property all thanks to you.”
– Eric Nkemtaji

“I implemented what was shown. I just started doing it & BAM! my first deal came in.”
– Godfrey De La Rosa

“I started implementing exactly what you said, used your contract, & signed the deal up!”
– Dominic Mason

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