My favorite quotes from my podcast interview with Stan Friedman & Ange Lorenz…
As always, lots of lessons in these:
“I’m the creative person. He’s the finance guy. So, we have our own skill sets and where we come into conflict is when I have my designs and he says, ‘No, this is the budget.’ So, it’s a challenge sometimes, but it’s fun working together to complete a project together.” (05:16) (Ange)
“We’re looking at [real estate investing] as reinventing ourselves. So, it’s very exciting for us.” (23:21) (Ange)
“If something goes one way, you go the other way. This is the only business I’ve been in where you can make money whether the market goes up, down, or sideways. You just have to know that if this isn’t working, you try something else.” (26:52) (Stan)
“You have to push forward and make those dreams a reality. Carve out the time that you need to do what you want to do and move forward with it, rather than letting all of the other noise get in the way and rob you of your time.” (37:38) (Ange)
“Ok, so you’re gonna have some crabby people on the other end. You have crabby people in the grocery store, for crying out loud. You just deal with it and move on. So, just look at it as an adventure, as an exciting opportunity to meet people and help people out of their situation, because that’s what you’re doing.” (40:34) (Ange)
More excellent discussions & lessons throughout the interview.
Listen here:
s5e62 Real Estate Investing as a Couple – Awesome at Any Age with Stan Friedman & Ange Lorenz
Watch it on YouTube here:
VIDEO: s5e62 Real Estate Investing as a Couple – Awesome at Any Age with Stan Friedman & Ange Lorenz
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Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors