Take a look at the photo above.
It’s when I *finally* awarded Godfrey with my top-level achievement keychain.
He’s been a Rapid Cash Generator Bootcamp student for more than 4 years.
And he financially qualified for my top level in his early years with me. (You need to make $250K in profits) In fact, he just grazed it his first year out of the gate with me. But there was one criteria he didn’t meet…
Which one?
Quitting his job.
For some reason, he held on to the J-O-B longer than expected. (While I’m sure managing a chain restaurant is full of excitement…)
I would razz him about not having quit yet.
Then he finally did.
And the top level in my program is called “Total Traction”, so now that he is finally totally free, I very happily awarded him the coveted red keychain.
Congrats Godfrey! You’ve well earned it.
He’s done a massive number of deals and made massive profits the past few years.
And it all started with the right spark, the right plan, and the right kick in the pants…
Yes, it all started at my 1-day “Wholesaling: The Rapid Cash Generator” Masterclass.
I’m doing the last one in DC for 2018 tomorrow, Sat Sept 8th.
You can be wildly successful just like Godfrey has been.
* If you get started.
* If you focus.
* If you implement what I teach you.
Ready to get your Red Keychain and achieve Total Freedom too?
Get your ticket for tomorrow now.
(The price goes up after 11:59pm tonight)
Go here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors