Thanks for using your Guest Pass!

I’m looking forward to working with you at the next Online Implementation Session!

Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors

This page has all the details you’ll need. Scroll down for more...

Here’s what to do right now…

#1 -- Block out TUEDAY October 15th 2024 on your calendar right now.
7pm Eastern
6pm Central
5pm Mountain
4pm Pacific

#2 -- You must use the link below to register on Zoom to get access.

#3 -- Download the Implementation Workbook using the link below. (Or use the same book you started in a previous month)

#4 -- Get ready to take your business to the next level of profit and simplicity

Where is it?
Online using Zoom.
You must CLICK HERE to register on Zoom to get access.

Download the Workbook
Use this link to download the Workbook. You can print it out or draw on it using a tablet computer:

Download the Workbook

What if I can’t make a session? Will it be recorded?
If you cannot attend a session live, you will receive access to the recording. This is a benefit of the TOTAL TRACTION Program or TOTAL TRACTION Annual Pass.

What should I bring?
Yourself, notebooks/paper, pens and any snacks or drinks you’d like during the session.

We will send you handouts via the Zoom chat function. You will want to print these out to take notes or use them electronically with a digital pen.

Is there a dress code? What should I wear?

Wear pants. Remember that you’ll be on camera and so be sure you look decent. Other than that, whatever you feel comfortable in. Do whatever feels right for you.

Please use your webcam, as it’s much nicer for everyone when we can see you. Especially during the networking sessions.

My question wasn’t answered. Can you help me?
Absolutely! — We’ve got your back. Hit us up with an email to