According to a report recently released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spend more on taxes than food and clothing combined.
Say what?!?
But true.
Think about how much you LOSE in taxes.
(And yes, I’m calling it a loss. I’m not falling for the Orwellian trick of calling it a “contribution”.)
I’m sure someone’s gonna reply with the usual “How do you expect roads & bridges to be paid for?”
Roads and bridges don’t cost as much as what’s taken from us.
Face it,
Most of the money taken from us in taxes is simply wasted.
Maybe someday that’ll change.
(If Establishment Washington ever gets its butt into gear)
But meanwhile all we can do is actively PLAN our taxes and use ENTITIES to legally reduce our tax burden as much as possible.
As a real estate entrepreneur, you have to do this.
Otherwise you end up with up to half of what you’ve earned up in smoke.
How can you protect yourself, your profits, and the food on your family’s table?
You need to learn tax strategies.
You need to learn how to use a legal entity correctly.
You need to apply what you learn.
Then you can keep more of what you earn.
Tax Attorney & CPA Bill Noll will show you how.
Come to our 2 events next week:
#1. “The Power of the Right Structure: The Foundation For Keeping What You Make and Protecting Your Assets Without Expensive Lawyers” with Tax Attorney & CPA Bill Noll
Thursday November 9th at the Traction REIA Main Meeting at the Sheraton Tysons Corner
RSVP at:
#2. “Total Wealth Protection for You and Your Family” MasterClass Training Intensive with Bill Noll, Tax Attorney & CPA.
Saturday November 11th at the Sheraton Tysons Corner.
Reserve Your Seat Now at:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors