Tom, you used the word “Sheeple” in a previous email. What does this mean?
A “sheeple” is a follower of the crowd.
Someone with a herd mentality.
Someone who is totally predictable.
Someone who just goes along to get along.
The human form of a sheep.
“Sheep” plus “People” equals “Sheeple”.
Is that what you want to be?
A sheep with no independent thought, critical analysis, or personal direction?
Just another cog in the machine?
Not me.
And I hope not you either.
Being a real estate entrepreneur is about being independent and able to think for yourself.
Yes, it’s the choices you make in life that define you.
So make the choice to be different.
Make the choice to separate from the crowd.
There’s no need to go through life drinking the bad wine.
Remember that.
Now get out there and live.
Live well.
Live large.
That’s when the fun begins…
After all, it beats just thinking small, doing nothing, and following the herd of sheeple.
This week at Traction REIA I’m going to teach my way of doing things.
Specifically how to wholesale flip properties for fast cash.
This isn’t about how to do 500 deals a year, nor even 100.
That wouldn’t be a great lifestyle, that’d just be a job.
This is about how to build a real estate wholesaling business that provides for you and your lifestyle no matter what happens in the economy or the market.
This method will truly set you free from the crowd.
Details here:
Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors