I’m looking forward to working with you at The Rapid Cash Generator Bootcamp in Phoenix on September 22 & 23.

Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors

This page has all the details you’ll need. Scroll down for more...

Here’s what to do right now…

#1 -- Block out SEPTEMBER 22nd & 23rd on your calendar right now.

#2 -- Book your flights and accommodation (if you need to)

#3 -- Get ready to take your business to the next level of profit and simplicity

Where is it?

We’re annucing the exact location shortly. It’ll be close by the Phoenix Airport.

Are there any parking spaces available?

Yes. The hotel has free parking all around it.

Where should I stay?

We have a very good room rate block at the hotel. Call and ask for the Traction room bloack.

Check online travel sites as well, as sometimes they have better rates. In addition, you can Google ‘Phoenix Airport Hotels’ and you’ll see that there are several hotels in the area, catering for all styles and budgets.

What time do we start and finish each day?

Arrive between 8:30-8:45am to make sure you’re ready for kickoff. We start at 9:00am sharp. We finish at 6pm both days, so you’ll be able to catch an evening flight home on Sunday if you need to.

What should I bring?

Just yourself. Notebooks, pens and everything you need will be provided.

You will NOT need your computer. Old school note taking helps you better learn the lessons.

You will also NOT need to bring your copy of The Rapid Cash Generator Implementation Kit. We will provide extra copies of anything you need from it.

Is there a dress code? What should I wear?

Clothes. Other than that, whatever you feel comfortable in. Do whatever feels right for you.

I heard there is something special happening on Saturday night. Is that true?

Yes, there is something special happening on the Saturday night. It’s a group dinner that gives you a great chance to connect and get to know your fellow classmates. Please keep the evening free. You’ll be very glad you did.

My question wasn’t answered. Can you help me?

Absolutely! — We’ve got your back. Hit us up with an email to contact@TractionRealEstateMentors.com

September 22nd & 23rd, 2018

9am to 6pm all days.
Check-in & Networking start at 8:30am
This event will be held at: TBA


Flying in?
Use Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX). The hotel has a free shuttle.

Driving in?
The hotel provides free parking.

Details At-a-Glance

  • Next Event Dates

    Saturday & Sunday
    September 22nd & 23rd 2018

  • Closest Airport

    — Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport (PHX)

    • Location

      Hotel TBA
      (Phoenix Airport)

    • First Training Session Begins

      9am EST sharp on Saturday
      September 22nd, 2018

    • Last Training Session Ends

      After 6pm EST on Sunday
      September 23rd, 2018

    • Food

      You are on your own for all meals. We will host a welcome dinner for all students on Saturday September 22nd. There is a small charge for this dinner, payable onsite.

    • Registration & Check In

      Be sure to arrive by 8:30am EST
      on Friday September 22nd

    • Special Room Rate

      Online: click here
      Call: TBA
      Ask for the Traction rate of $89 per night.
      Reservations must be made by Sept 17th.