10,000 Mile Reflections

(Actually closer to 18,000 miles, but 10,000 sounds a bit more like the Charlie Daniels album title….)

Some of you know that we pulled the plug on everything during all the nonsense of the past couple years and set out on the road to do a massive coast-to-coast road trip.

* Took the kids out of school.
* Packed up the car.
* And drove all over the place!

Basically I made a map of the USA that highlighted everywhere we wanted to go, every park we wanted to hike in, every sight we wanted to see, and all the friends, family, and business colleagues that we know all over the place.

We spent the year:
* Visiting tons of friends & family
* Managing business remotely (dealing with tenants, wholesaling, & a full-gut rehab)
* Exploring
* Hiking
* Horseback riding
* Swimming
* Boating
* Home schooling (road-schooling?)
* Examining different real estate markets
* Creating absurdly great memories with the kids!

It was totally awesome.

(Being contrarian is usually always awesome…)

Yes, one learns a ton from being on a coast-to-coast road trip in their wife & kids stuffed in the SUV…

— Like how much can reasonably be packed into a day.
— Or how many times you can check in-to and out-of hotels before everyone’s patience wears thin.
— How nice it is to be welcomed into friend’s and family’s homes.
— And how magnificent it is to see the magic smiles on the kids’ faces when they’ve seen and done something cool in a great national park, famous city, or something just totally unexpected in a random place.

Yes, we drove in our SUV, not an RV.

Sometimes we stayed with friends & family. Sometimes we stayed in hotels.

Hotels weren’t very busy. Neither were the National Parks, as it was before the rush as people were still cooped up.

A great time was had by all.

Why tell you this?

Because I think some people out there need to hear it. They need to hear that a bad situation can be turned around into something good. That not everything needs to follow the main narrative that’s being pushed out there.

(There’s more to say, but this probably isn’t the place for various reasons. Ask me in-person someday and I’ll tell you.)

Meanwhile, if you recognize the power of thinking differently and going against the grain, then you also recognize how lonely the path can be.

Face it, by definition we’re different.

Otherwise we wouldn’t be against the grain.

But as we’re often the only ones on our path, it can seem like it isn’t the correct path. Because the crowd is all huddled in the opposite direction simply doing what they’re told. (And then wondering why they never get the big successes.)

Therefore we need to seek out like-minded people.

But that isn’t easy, as we’re a small minority.

Luckily, I have a great group of like-minded people. And I’ll expand it for the right type of person.

If you think that’s you, click reply and let me know.

It’s okay if it isn’t.

But if it is, then I think you’d regret not taking this opportunity.

Simply email tom (at) TractionRealEstateMentors.com and say “I’m against the grain”

Tom Zeeb
Traction Real Estate Mentors

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“Tom Zeeb has the formula for success.  You just need to follow what he says.”
– David McGrady

“The best help from Tom was the negotiation techniques & tactics. His Bootcamp got me on track.”
– Ryne Lambert

“I used your marketing. I used your contract. I got the deal and got it done.”
– Danisha Byrd

“I’m so happy today, I am about to do my first rehab property all thanks to you.”
– Eric Nkemtaji

“I implemented what was shown. I just started doing it & BAM! my first deal came in.”
– Godfrey De La Rosa

“I started implementing exactly what you said, used your contract, & signed the deal up!”
– Dominic Mason

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